Uitnodiging ontvangen!
Brievenbusgeklepper. Een zachte plof. Post! Een brief uit Portugal…
“Dear Marsja,
Thank you very much for your application for a residency at OBRAS Portugal. We acknowledge your professionalism and estimate your proposal to be a solid basis for an inspiring and productive time. We decided that we gladly invite you for a residency at OBRAS Portugal from the 8th of April until 4th of June 2024.
Since 2023 Foundation OBRAS (www.obras-art.org) selected 980 artists from 62 countries, based on criteria such as artistic quality, professionalism and public appearance. OBRAS organized around 130 cultural events, such as exhibitions, concerts, workshops, open studio`s and site- specific performances.
Working in OBRAS Portugal will almost certainly give you new inspiration. In addition, it offers the opportunity to work in a creative environment and meet other artists in residence. We request you to give a presentation about your work during your residency.”
Wow! Het gaat dus echt gebeuren! Ik mag twee maanden naar Portugal om daar te werken aan mijn project Civitas.